
On Crystal Falls

5 Stars – A new twist on a classic November 2, 2016
I live in a world where we find ogres under the stairs. We sing in Pig Latin when in the restroom. Costumes are worn when doing dishes. Our accents change depending upon what day it is. People randomly burst into song and dance.

The step into Walseth’s world was pretty steep for me. It’s dirty and ugly. It’s full of corruption and abuse. The people who live there don’t take responsibility for their actions. They believe life is all about getting what they want, regardless of what happens to others. It’s cruel and harsh.

At first, I was pretty resistant to reading. This book was so far out of my comfort zone! However, Walseth’s voice kept me mesmerized. He has an incredible storytelling ability. So, I continued on.

After a little while, I began to understand what was happening. No, it’s not really that cryptic. The fact is that this book is placed in an ugly and cruel world on purpose. It’s the reality that a lot of people live in. It’s not my reality, but it does cover a vast majority of the populace in one form or another.

In the book, we’re mainly following the story of Nate. His nature is that of a lovable, God-fearing, intelligent boy. The intent of the story is to see what happens when someone with a ‘good’ nature is constantly enmeshed in such a ‘bad’ environment. Throughout the story, we watch as bit by bit, Nate is broken down. Or is he? Is he salvageable?

I was really interested to find allusions to Balzac part way through the book. Nate is reading one of his works and contemplating man’s inhumanity towards man. In fact, I found this entire book to be a nod to Balzac’s The Human Comedy. Walseth has taken the selfish people living in denial and filth and shoved someone pure of heart amidst them. You can easily see how one simple word, one gesture, can break someone. It’s all such an intricate web, humanity, and you never know when you’re going to be the one to pull the last thread that forces the entire thing to shred.

If you’re the type of person who likes to skip to the last page and read it before starting the book, don’t do it!! I beg of you! You’ll ruin the entire book! Believe me, there are plenty of twists and turns to keep you occupied!

– Amazon Customer

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A well written book with a plot revolving around two best friends, both of whom are infatuated with one girl. The story line glides you in different ways which illuminate life in a small town, Crystal Falls, which lays in the U.P. Of Michigan. Twists and Turns keep the plot moving forward, while his use of analogy and rich text illuminates this one day read. Drugs, Faith, Sex, Mortality and Death are main theme points. Mr. Walseth is extremely good at the art of storytelling, and I can’t wait for his next read. Well researched…Well written…= Well read. Thank you sir for this excellent look into living tough in a small town. BUT, here BW has written a great read and I can’t recommend his book anyway but as a fine, engaging one. Do yourself a solid and get this one, it’s a good one.

– Amazon Customer

Loved this book!  5-stars. “Wow! Read this book in a day, Loved the character development and the way Brad tells the story of their lives right up until the end (of the book). Masterful storytelling and beautifully written. Hope there is a sequel.”

— Amazon Customer

“At first I thought I’d be dealing with a super religious protagonist and was relieved when that did not turn out to be the case. The story deals with a lot of issues like spousal abuse, drug abuse and how a seemingly soft-spoken individual can be one at the heart of extraoridnary evils. For the most part the story gets us to like the three crazy friends and evokes sympathetic feelings for their lives. Their background stories are fascinating and really help to make sense of their current situations. This story is a descent into the world of meth addicts and how, even though things may start with the best of intentions for them, the drug alters their personalities for the worse. We see rip-offs and senseless murder. Love and developing hatred. The joys of child-rearing and the fear involved when one spouse is unfaithful. The story moves along at a very satisfying pace and the parts when you hear the story from the supporting characterss are well done. I will admit that near the end there were some developments that I did not see coming and for me that is what makes a book. A thoroughly enjoyable read from start to finish.”

— Goodreads

On The Couirer

“I loved this book, I couldn’t put it down. There were a few different stories going on that all ended up tying together. The stories and the details with in them made me laugh and cry. There were many unexpected and exciting turns that kept the book interesting the entire time. The suspense and action were awesome. I was also really happy with the ending. Wonderful book!:)” — KH

The Courier is a compelling story of redemption. The Jerry Markley we meet in the opening pages: greedy, self-centered, petty and cruel is very different from the man we get to know in the closing chapters. In between Markley encounters a colorful cast of characters that in the hands of many writers would be little more than thin caricatures. Yet author Brad Walseth wins enough of our confidence in the early pages to accept these characters on their own terms and have them take us along for the ride. And what a ride. From the corporate skyscrapers of Houston to the desserts of Mexico, aboard planes, trains and automobiles, we follow Jerry Markley as he confronts horrific personal demons that would easily destroy most of us while powerful real life thugs are hot on his trail. Seasoned with just enough social commentary for additional flavor and complexity, The Courier is well worth the investment. Surprisingly good for a self-published work. We have not heard the last from this author. – Cuzan

Author, Composer & Post-Modern Renaissance Man